Release 1.6 - Ivory Sloth

13 February 2022 2022-02-13 | by Qandai | 5 min read

This version is one of the the largest releases to date. While we have dealt mostly with bugs and performance optimisations, we have also introduced a few noteworthy features:

1) There now is a banner informing users that they are using the demo mode and prompting them to create an account using their email address.


There is now a clear indication of having a demo account

2) The Notification Service gained the ability to send Slack messages on top of the existing ability to send email messages.

3) We have also updated the interactions with the QAEditor. Now, QAs can be tagged without having to go into the edit mode.

Tags have a dedicated, available at all times section

We also zoomed out of the core platform and focused on the onboarding process, which you can experience yourselves in our staging environment.

While there is optimisation and tweaking still happening, we now have a few tools at our disposal:


A sequential, step-based tutorial

Specific tasks for the users to complete


Contextual hints and guides that we can present at any point during the experience

We hope that you will enjoy the new onboarding process, and the latest version of the platform.

As always, we welcome any feedback!